Only You Can Feed Your Hunger

The only way to stop your hunger is for you to eat, another person cannot eat for you. The only way for you to heal is for you to do the work that is needed to heal, another person cannot heal for you. 

Healing takes a different amount of time and looks different for everyone; however, it does always take time. It can be easy to become impatient with the healing process and try to rush it or even try to bypass it completely. Healing is often gritty, dark, and dirty, but that is why it works we need to see all aspects of ourselves to be able to truly accept ourselves and heal. Healing can sometimes (most times) hurt. Sometimes healing can feel worse than it does to be in the unhealthy or nonfunctional place we are in. Healing often is extremely uncomfortable and takes more time and effort than we wish. Sometimes we want to rush through, or not look at the things that need to be looked at or feel the things that need to be felt. Sometimes we want a quick fix, we want someone or something to make all the hurts go away, but healing does not work that way. Just as only you can end your hunger only you can heal your hurts. You can find guides to support you, activities and rituals that aid you, but doing the work is still up to you and you alone. 

Healing is a journey; it is a long and difficult journey. Healing is not pretty; it is messy and dark. Healing looks different for all beings and healing takes its time. It can be easy to get frustrated with healing and begin to look outside ourselves for reasons why healing is not occurring as we have planned; however, just as only you can facilitate your healing you also cannot rush it. Your lessons will be learned when they are meant to be learned. We never receive anything that we are not ready for and sometimes it takes us a long time to learn something and move through it. Remember healing is not a race, we have the time we have and in that time we will do what we are meant to do.  

For healing to truly take place we must first take ownership and authority of our lives; we must own the role we have played in our own hurt. This is not to say that horrible events have occurred and left a mark, this is to say you are acknowledging you experienced something and you acknowledge it left a mark and you are choosing how you move forward. Healing is taking a long, hard look at ourselves and our patterns and noticing if they are fulfilling, dragging us down, or holding us in an unhealthy space. It is assessing how we have shown up for ourselves in the past and looking at how this way of being has affected us. 

Healing is an inside job; we can seek out knowledgeable people and practices to support us along the journey but we must be willing to do the work. There is no quick fix. Healing is a lifelong journey that we choose to engage in or not. Healing is a gift.  

If you are hungry you would not expect your hunger to be satiated by another person eating food. Healing is the same. You must be ready to do the work yourself to heal on a mental, physical, and emotional level.  

It is important that you find a path that honours you. Check in with a psychologist or counsellor. Find an acupuncturist, cranial sacral therapist, massage therapist or some other support for your journey. Move your body, drink water, eat foods that agree with your unique body and get rest. Remember no one is responsible for your healing but you. Only you can hold yourself in the place you are in and only you can choose to move yourself forward. 


The Power of Your Thoughts


It is not the times that are uncertain, life is uncertain