It is always your first rodeo

There is a saying many of us have heard and probably said in the past dozens of times: “it ain’t my first rodeo.”  Well, my friends I am here to tell you that in fact it is always and will always be our first rodeo. No matter how many times we have done something, said something, or experienced something, the current time we are doing, saying, or experiencing that thing is the first time we are in that moment doing, saying or experiencing that thing. I get it, that last sentence was a little confusing and one that may seem easy to refute as how different can a repetitive mundane task truly be. The answer is exponentially. Every single living being on the planet is in a constant state of change, every cell in your body is constantly shifting, every conversation and relationship we have shapes us into the person we are and impacts the lens with which we see the world. No task is ever the same, there are always different variables, different people involved, different times and dates, different circumstances, etc. Our perception of events may allow us to convince ourselves we are doing the same thing we have always done; however, as I mentioned before, we are different, the moment is different, and everything else in the world is different, all the time. 

This saying creates a falseness to how we behave as it allows us to feel as though we can act as if we already know what will happen because we have done something similar in the past. The reason this is an issue is when we show up to an event, situation, or experience with the mindset that we have done it before and therefore know what to expect we limit ourselves from truly experiencing the moment. We move into past thinking which robs us of the present moment and experience and depending on how familiar we are with the situation we can unconsciously go into auto pilot which again robs us of moments of our life. 

I have taught thousands of yoga classes, and each time I get on my mat to lead I act as if it were my very first time. I have acquired a great deal of knowledge through training and teaching; however, I have so much more to learn than could ever be learned in one lifetime. Approaching my teaching with a beginner’s mindset is the best thing I have ever done as it provides me the opportunity to continue to learn, to be with my body, and to truly live each moment as it unfolds. 

We are constantly changing with every experience, every conversation and relationship is shaping us into the people we are and adjusting our lenses. It will always be our first rodeo, as we are always different and new. I hope you enjoy each rodeo as you experience it, I hope you are so fully in each moment of your life you have no time to compare your experience to past ones. Enjoy each moment for what it is, a new experience to live this beautiful life. 


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